About me

Since before I can remember I wanted to be a zoo director because I like animals. Later on I wanted to tell stories through movies. I spent my 11th birthday making a movie with my friends. The result was terrible, but I was really proud of it. Around that time I learned about game maker and together with a friend I participated in a local game making competition. We became third and we both won an iPod shuffle. I went on to create three more game maker games, most of these games are downloadable on my website.
I like projects where the story or mechanics revolve around things like politics, battle tactics, history and science fiction. I like to work with people who are enthusiast and usually happy.
List of skills:
Game engines
- I usually work in unity
- I have worked with unreal engine and gamemaker
Programming languages
- good at C#
- good at blueprinting in unreal engine
- can do basic things with C++ in unreal engine
- I have worked with PHP, HTML, CSS and a bit off JavaScript when I made this website
- SFX recording
- SFX editing
Film related
- directing
- video editing
- closed captioning
- script writing
- acting